Mark Mortier

I’m Mark Mortier and my life purpose is to inspire and help people to achieve fulfilment


There can be no denying that our society and worldview is changing, you better chose to (re)create your story before it’s written for you.

Create a new story that goes beyond the current western worldview, based on the efficiency and the success of the company, by shifting the focus to the human behind the leader and team members.
“Re-story-ation” in which delivery is merely the result of applying collective intelligence, unleashing the big potential in you and your team members while thriving for professional and personal growth, purpose, fulfillment and happiness.

“Re-story-ation” is for those who dare to go down the road of self-knowledge, beyond the ego and being benevolent towards the success, fulfillment and happiness of their team members.

Start from within

There has never been a better time for us to concentrate on being benevolent towards our co-workers. Cultivating benevolence will bring success, fulfilment and happiness for each and everyone of us. It will lift each team member up while teams will be taken to the next level of success. It all begins within ourselves beyond the ego, it begins and ends with our heart.

As a keynote speaker and empathic leader I focus on bringing more happiness in organizations. I genuinely believe that being empathic and benevolent in every level of the business or organization results in a net positive impact on the company, workers and society. With the use of empathy, benevolence and heart-centered leadership we create cultures of belonging, develop elite performance and purpose driven teams who are efficient and resilient. Lets infuse companies with empathy, humanity, joy and love.

Keynote / Workshop

Sustainable leadership


“What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.”

Ik geloof oprecht dat het ook anders kan.

Dat we #samens de wereld kunnen veranderen naar een plek waar iedereen zichzelf kan zijn.

Om deze woorden om te zetten in daden ben ik een fiere coöperant van Re-Story.